Everyone is interested in being happy, in fact it's probably one of the few ambitions which is universal to our species. We are constantly encouraged to believe that we have to achieve, acquire or consume to be happy. But that is so far from being the full story it isn't even the major part of it. Living happily depends mainly on your inner life, the conscious world of your thoughts, emotions, beliefs desires etc. It's a matter of inner peace, peace of mind, peace in the heart. But your inner life in turn is largely based on patterns or habits, the ways you react to what goes on around you. So your happiness depends on these habits. You can't always control what happens in the world around you. You can't even control how you react inwardly to what happens - your inner habits dictate your reaction. But you are not powerless. If you learn to pay attention to your inner life you can over time shape the way your inner habits work. By training and changing these habits you can live with more serenity and peace of mind.
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