Perhaps a graphic picture might help. Imagine a ping pong ball suspended atop a water fountain. The ball jiggles about, the water is constantly changing, while forever pushing upwards – but there is a clear element of stability, of certainty, despite all the splashings to the contrary. And this is what consciousness is really about, this is the aspiration towards which all humanity is moved. We all crave security, stability and peace of mind – and here, by delving into what living processes can do, and deflecting attention from their origins and what they ‘really’ are, we can see that it does come about, that it is real, rational, and what’s more, healthier. The more streams of ‘intent’ and consent, the greater the stability, which is the essence of any real democracy. Capturing this dynamic security through the static printed word is challenging even for the most poetic. Even videos fumble. However, the stability of the docosahexaenoic acid molecule should challenge us to greater efforts to find the same certainty in other parts of our living selves. Consciousness is indescribable, for reasons discussed – but it is currently open for exploration and on-going experience. What could be a better purpose in life than to keep exploring this utterly fascinating and endlessly creative entity, which comes free to every one of us who is awake. Let’s explore, create, dream, but above all, enjoy.
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