Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Alcohol abuse is considered a key factor in suicide.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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Those who abuse alcohol are more likely to kill themselves than the general population. Many who suffer from depressive symptoms often self ...

Those who abuse alcohol are more likely to kill themselves than the general population. Many who suffer from depressive symptoms often self medicate using alcohol, and this exacerbates their symptoms. Additionally, alcohol can contribute to a person developing depression and experiencing suicidal thoughts. Alcohol can contribute to negative social problems which can further increase the risk of suicide. This is because people who use alcohol or may be more likely to be exposed to situations or events that can have significant traumatic affect on mental health. Examples of these traumatic situations include exposure to violence, prostitution, drug overdoses, assaults, injuries and illnesses. Evidence suggests that that a high proportion of people who commit suicide are intoxicated at the time of their death. One report into youth suicide in Australia revealed that nearly half of male suicides and a third of female suicides had blood alcohol readings above the legal limit for driving a vehicle (0.05% Blood Alcohol Concentration). A person may become more depressed when drunk, feel that there is no escape from their problems and decide to end their life. Additionally, alcohol often leads to impulsive, spur-of-the-moment actions because of its dis-inhibiting properties. Alcohol dependence can cause many problems for both the person with the addiction and those around them. Family problems, violence, money issues and health problems are just some of the issues that alcoholism can cause. These issues are also significant risk factors for suicide.

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