Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Regret, Anger and Guilt and Alcoholism
Author: Fraser Trevor
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When anybody is facing death, they go through the stages of guilt and will feel anger, regret, guilt and finally acceptance about their deat...

When anybody is facing death, they go through the stages of guilt and will feel anger, regret, guilt and finally acceptance about their death. For an alcoholic, these emotions can be particularly strong, as they are faced with the fatal consequences of their continued dependence on alcohol. They may feel regret and guilt for the actions they have committed, for the pain they have caused others and for the time and money wasted on alcohol. Anger at their own inability to overcome alcoholism will also be expressed and can be directed at themselves or others. Sadly, when the complications become so severe that death is inevitable, acceptance of their fate is the only way for them to peacefully die. The family members and close friends who are left after the alcoholic dies will also go through significant emotional upheaval. It may be hard for some people to grieve for a person who has abused their body with a toxic substance for many years. Finding feelings of sorrow can also be hard when the alcoholic has abused them, treated themselves and others poorly, suffered financial ruin and been unable or unwilling to overcome their disease. Working through the emotions and finding strength can take time, but it will come.

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